duminică, 21 iulie 2013

John King Bookstore - by Seraphina (http://www.yourghoststories.com/)

"John King Bookstore is on West Lafayette Street in downtown Detroit. It's located in a huge four-storey turn-of-the-last century building that was once a glove factory. They specialize in used and rare books, and at one time they had around a thousand volumes.

Not long ago I heard a rumor recently that John King was going to close because it was failing financially. I hope that isn't true since it's such a unique place. Books stacked from floor to ceiling in such rough order that an employee couldn't tell you if they had a particular title without first doing a vigorous search. The place smells musty from yellowing pages and disintegrating leather covers. Even though I've only been there a couple of times with a friend, "Caroline," who introduced me to the place, John King has made an impression on me.

Caroline is a fan of the supernatural, even though she hasn't experienced anything of that sort herself. Once we stumbled into a conversation about ghosts. She was enthralled when I admitted I'd encountered some spirits; so as we were driving to John King a few years back, she told me one of the employees said the fourth floor was supposed to be haunted. The spirit was thought to be a man who'd worked at the glove factory long ago. She asked me to check it out and let her know if there really was a spirit hanging out.

I said ghosts scare me and I never go hunting for them.

But it's a huge building, very quiet, with usually only a handful of customers wandering by themselves from floor to floor. Caroline and I went our separate ways because we're interested in different types of books, so I ended up browsing alone through empty book-lined rooms. After we'd paid for our books and gone to the car, she asked excitedly if I'd picked up on anything. I had, even though I was trying not to.

I told her I hadn't run into anything on the fourth floor, but on the third floor there was a gentle older male entity who had once worked at the book store. He'd been in love with a young woman who also worked there, although she only thought of him as a friend.

So the next time Caroline went to John King she told one of the employees what I'd said. The employee immediately remembered two former colleagues, one now deceased, whose friendship seemed like the kind I'd described."

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